How secondary care can benefit from the social prescribing revolution

Chief Executive Sandra Mitchell-Phillips discusses how secondary care can benefit from the social prescribing revolution in her blog for NHS Providers.

“Social prescribing is a way of tackling the social, economic and environmental factors that affect our health and wellbeing. Clinical teams refer their patients to a link worker, who helps the patient think about 'what matters to me'. Together they set goals and take steps towards achieving them. Many of these goals involve connecting patients to support, groups and activities, particularly in the voluntary and community sector. This approach provides a preventative and community-based model of care for patients, by tailoring the response to meet the individual's needs in a more holistic way than traditional healthcare delivery…We encourage trusts, and wider health systems, to consider the role that social prescribing can play in improving care for patients, preventing ill health, reducing health inequalities, and alleviating pressure on already stretched NHS services."

Ways to Wellness Chief Executive Sandra Mitchell-Phillips

Read the full article for NHS Providers here:

Recently Ways to Wellness also recently appeared in Breaking the cycle: the outcomes model of public service? A guest blog by Grace Duffy and Mila Lukic of Bridges Outcomes Partnerships, referencing: “In practice: Asset-based community health in Newcastle and Northamptonshire.”


Waiting Well: Perioperative social prescribing in North East and North Cumbria


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