Ways to Wellness Board welcomes new member Prof David Hunter

Ways to Wellness is delighted to welcome Professor David Hunter to the Board of Trustees

Professor David Hunter brings a wealth of expertise and experience in public health policy and practice. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Health Policy and Management in the Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University.

His prior professional experience includes roles as Professor of Health Policy and Management at Durham University and Director of the Centre for Public Policy and Health (CPPH) in the School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health. He currently holds an emeritus chair at Durham attached to the Global Policy Institute, School of Government and International Affairs. He is a former non executive director with NICE with particular responsibility for public health.

David is committed to tackling health inequalities and improving population health across the North East and North Cumbria. As a member of the Ways to Wellness Board he will play a key role in bringing people from a range of sectors together to achieve this goal, drawing on his research experience and work as an adviser to WHO on health system transformation, environment and health, and long term care. He is a member of WHO’s Global Network on Long Term Care. David is especially keen to address the ‘know-do’ gap to ensure that research findings impact on changes in the delivery of care.

Prof David Hunter said:

“I’m excited to support this excellent independent organisation in delivering pioneering projects. Its work is of growing importance as the NHS seeks to become more a health, and less a sickness, service.”

Sandra Mitchell-Phillips, Chief Executive of Ways to Wellness said:

“As Ways to Wellness moves into the next phase of ambitious development, we are thrilled to welcome David Hunter to our Board of Trustees.”

As Prof David Hunter joins the organisation, Sir Paul Ennals, former Vice-Chair steps down from his longstanding role. Sir Paul has been a trustee since the start of Ways to Wellness in 2015, and has been integral to the growth and development of the organisation. Sir Paul was recently appointed as Chair of the Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Read more about our Board of Trustees here.


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