Ways to Wellness Signs the Health and Life Science Pledge North East and North Cumbria

Partners from across the North East and North Cumbria, including Ways to Wellness (represented by Chief Exec. Sandra Mitchell-Phillips) came together to mark the launch of the Health and Life Science Pledge

The Health and Life Sciences Pledge, which is led by the Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria (AHSN NENC), brings together the regional health and life sciences ecosystem to:

  • Collectively address challenges within the sector

  • Gain recognition for our exemplary infrastructure

    and assets nationally and internationally

  • Identify opportunities and attract investment

    to the region

  • Celebrate our collective success in the health

    and social care innovation arena

The launch event saw regional partners, including Ways to Wellness, commit to these shared aims. The Pledge Team at the AHSN NENC said: "we were immensely grateful for the enthusiasm and passion shown by all of the stakeholders demonstrating our joint commitment to help save lives and improve livelihoods through joining the Pledge."

More information is available on the health and life sciences pledge here.


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