Ways to Wellness respond to Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into prevention

Ways to Wellness were delighted to provide a written response to the Health and Social Care Committee's inquiry on Prevention in Health and Social Care.

We highlighted the importance of a robust evidence base for social prescribing.

Analysis of our first five years showed that 86% of clients improved their wellbeing, and we achieved 27% lower secondary care costs per patient.

We also highlighted the need to explore the potential for social prescribing in different parts of the NHS, and with targeted cohorts.

Ways to Wellness pilot is working with children with neurodisabilities and their families, in partnership with the Great North Children’s Hospital. We are exploring the potential for social prescribing link workers to work with families (rather than individuals) and creating links between the hospital and local communities. We encourage the Committee to consider the potential for social prescribing to benefit parts of the NHS beyond primary care, and how Government policies can support this.

Ways to Wellness encourage the Committee to consider the potential for social prescribing to benefit parts of the NHS beyond primary care, and how Government policies can support this.

Social prescribing can only be effective where there is a thriving voluntary sector. Activities and services in the communities where people live are cost-effective, locally responsive, and easier for those in greatest need to access.


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